I’m indebted those who’ve shared pedagogical precedents and advice:
- Alexandra Crosby and Jessica Lea Dunn, “Interdisciplinary Design Lab B: Indonesia 2019,” University of Technology Sydney, 2019.
- Lauren Deal, “Ethnographic Research Methods,” Brown University, n.d.
- Benjamin Fogarty-Valenzuela, “Visual Ethnographic Methods,” University of Chicago, Summer 2020.
- Erin Gould, “Ethnographic Fieldwork,” Chapman University, Fall 2020.
- Krsita Harper, Twitter (August 5, 2021).*
- Jamer Hunt
- Ieva Jusionyte, “Ethnographic Research Methods,” Harvard University, Fall 2020.
- Ramia Mazé, “Design Ethnography and Participatory Design,” Umeå Institute of Design, 2008.
- Colin Rhinesmith, Molly Dettman, Michael Pierson, and Rebecca Spence, “YouthStudio: Designing Public Library YA Spaces with Teens,” The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults 6 (2015).
- Jeffrey C. Snodgrass, “Online Virtual Worlds as Anthropological Field Sites: Ethnographic Methods Training Via Collaborative Research of Internet Gaming Cultures,” Annals of Anthropological Practice 40:2 (2016): 134-47.
- Cathy Stanton, “Fieldwork Lab,” Tufts University, Fall 2018.
- Carylanna Taylor, “Research Methods in Applied Anthropology,” University of South Florida, Spring 2013.
- Tim Wallace, “Applied Anthropology,” North Carolina State University, Spring 2018.
- Gavin Weston, Natalie Djohari, and the GEARS Collective, “Student/Staff ‘Collaborative Event Ethnography’ at the Antiques Roadshow,” Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change 4:1 (2018).*
- Matthew Wolf-Meyer, “Ethnography Workshop,” University of California, Santa Cruz, Spring 2012.